Why is my skin so dry?

Most times dry skin is just the direct result of a lack of moisture. But what leads to that lack of moisture? Sometimes, when no ordinary moisturizer will calm your dryness, there can be very unlikely causes. Dry skin results from an impaired skin barrier and dysfunction or deficiency in the necessary healthy fats in the outermost layer of the skin. Normally, the outermost layer of skin consists of dead cells and natural oils, which assist in the trapping of moisture so the skin remains soft and smooth. But many people want to know, "Why is my skin so dry?"
If the water content in the superficial layer of cells is low, because of the depletion of protective oils perhaps, dry skin may result. Dry skin, or xerosis cutis, rarely becomes a serious problem. It's exceedingly common, can affect anyone at any age, and can occur anywhere on the body from the hands and face to the legs and stomach.
8 Surprising Causes of Dry Skin
1. Fragrance Can Be Irritating to the Skin
Steer clear of products that have a fragrance - that stuff really irritates dry skin or makes it worse. Fragrance is a very common cause of allergic contact dermatitis. It can take multiple exposures for the skin to react, or it can occur immediately. Read labels carefully. There are preservative properties in lavender oil and other botanical oils, and they will be in cosmetics that still carry the label "fragrance-free."
2. Soap May Sap Moisture From the Skin and Scalp
Many cleansers, soaps, and shampoos strip moisture from your skin and scalp, as they are made to suck oil out. Be careful when selecting face cleansers, body cleansers, and laundry detergents. A moisturizing body wash, for instance, will always be better than a bar soap.
3. Genetics Can Play a Role in Your Risk for Dry Skin
Researchers hypothesize dry skin might have a genetic component. There is one study that points to the fact that several conditions occur because of mutations in genes controlling the protein filaggrin, implicated in the architecture and hydration of the skin barrier. People with this mutation-about 10 percent of the population, are bound to have drier skin and are likelier to suffer from eczema, which becomes one of the most common forms.
4. Hard Water May Interfere With Moisturizer Absorption
Tap water is considered hard when it contains a high concentration of minerals, such as magnesium and calcium. Such minerals may cause residue on your skin that causes dries. Heavy metals make oils in the skin turn into a paste-like substance that clogs up glands, exacerbates acne and rosacea, and blocks moisturizers from being absorbed into the skin. Add skincare products that contain vitamins A and C to your skincare routine since they neutralize the coating deposited by hard water.
5. Pimples Medications and Retinol Accelerate Skin Cell Renewal
Salicylic acid is a wonderful acne treatment, but it can be very drying when you first add it to your routine. Drop the frequency of application down to every other day or so, use a gentle cleanser that is not exacerbating the issue, and be sure to check with your dermatologist if he or she has a less drying prescription for you to use if needed.
Try: Bakuchiol Anti-aging Serum - Natural Retinol Alternative
6. Long, Hot Showers Can Cause Skin Dehydration
It can be tempting to stand under steaming, hot water for a long period, especially as winter comes along. But the habit might also cause issues with your skin. Long and hot showers or baths can strip the moisture of your skin. Restrict showers to five minutes or less, and set the water just warm, not hot. An applicant should apply a moisturizing cream within a minute after exiting the shower, Marchbein adds. Moisturizers work best on damp skin.
Try: Ashwagandha Face Moisturizer Cream for Skin Repair and Hydration
7. Aging Can Increase The Chances Of Dry Skin
Dry skin typically gets worse as people age. Older adults are more likely to suffer from dry skin, and the condition affects half of all adults older than 40. With age, our skin naturally produces less lubrication oil and therefore gets drier. The cure? Moisturize every day - or multiple times per day if necessary.
Try: Saffron Brightening Natural Vit C Serum
8. You May Have Some Medical Conditions That Cause Dry Skin
Skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema set you up for dryness. But dry skin may be the first sign of something seemingly unrelated, even distant, such as diabetes, thyroid disease, kidney disease, malnutrition, or HIV.
Also, check which brands of coconut oil can be referred to as the best coconut oil for oil pulling to enhance your mouth health!
Final Thoughts
Why is my skin so dry? - Dry skin results from the removal of moisture in your skin's outer layer by genetics, harsh soaps, dry air, and other causes. Treatment of such problems should restore hydration to the skin. To improve your dry skin, put a humidifier inside your home or try using fragrance-free moisturizer daily. Browse Prana Wellness for holistic self-care solutions that enhance your beauty routine and overall well-being!