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How to lose the skin under your chin?

How to lose the skin under your chin

There are some people who lose the double chin through exercise, body weight loss, or some surgical operation. A double chin or submental fat can be said to be a normal condition that comes forth when your fat layer forms under the chin. It can be associated with gaining weight but is mainly a result of genetic dispositions besides weakened skin and a loose feeling due to old age. Learn strategies for what causes it and how to lose the skin under your chin!

Exercises For Double Chin

Unless otherwise indicated, repeat each exercise several times a day. Always check with your doctor before starting a new exercise.

1. Straight jaw jut

  • Look up toward the ceiling and tilt your head backward.
  • Push your lower jaw forward to feel a stretch under the chin.
  • Hold for a count of 10.
  • Let your jaw relax and bring your head back to neutral.
  • 10 repetitions

2. Ball exercise

  • Position a 9- to 10-inch ball under the chin.
  • Press your chin onto the ball.
  • Do this several times throughout the day.
  • Do three sets of 8-10 repetitions.

3. Pucker up

  • Tilt head back. Look at the ceiling.
  • Pucker your lips as though you are kissing the ceiling to stretch underneath the chin.
  • Unpack and recover to a neutral position.
  • Repeat three times. Do three sets of 8-10 repetitions.

4. Tongue stretch

  • Look ahead. Apace your tongue as far as you can.
  • Lift your tongue up and towards your nose.
  • Hold for 10 seconds and rest.
  • Repeat ten times.
  • Do three sets of 8-10 repetitions.

5. Neck stretch

  • Tilt your head back and look at the ceiling.
  • Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
  • Stretch for 5 to 10 seconds and relax.
  • Repeat 10 times.

6. Extending chin forward

  • Look up at the ceiling.
  • Tilt your head toward the right.
  • Stick your chin out.
  • Stretch for 5 to 10 seconds and relax.
  • Repeat with head turned to the left.
  • Repeat 10 times.

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Can I get rid of my double chin naturally?

A double chin resulting from weight gain would be smaller or lost if you lose excess weight. Losing excess weight is best achieved by healthy eating and exercise.

Healthy eating includes:

  • Eating more portions of fruits and vegetables in a day.
  • Replacing processed grains with whole grains.
  • Avoiding packaged foods.
  • Eating lean meats, especially poultry and fish.
  • Eat healthy fats: You must consume healthy fats, which include avocados, nuts, and olive oil.
  • Use low-fat dairy
  • Get the right amounts of calories in a day

What other treatments do remove a double chin?

If it is genetic, you can try exercising the area to tighten it up. If it is the result of weight, then there is no sure thing about whether weight loss will help. Some doctors have recommended the following other, more invasive procedures, for patients with a double chin:

  • Lipolysis: It employs liposuction or a laser's heat to liquefy fat and "iron out" the skin. In many cases, only a local anesthetic is needed for lipolysis to eradicate a double chin.
  • Mesotherapy: It is a non-invasive treatment in which tiny amounts of a fat-emulsifying agent are given in a series of injections.

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Final Thoughts

How to lose the skin under your chin? - There are a few reasons why you can develop a double chin. Unless you're sure that it's through genetics, try losing some weight, going to the gym with cardio exercises, and doing chin exercises before you go and opt for a highly invasive procedure.

Before you start your dieting or exercise program, consult your doctor first. They will certainly air out all your health concerns and assist you in setting healthy weight loss goals. They also encourage an eating plan that is congruent with your lifestyle.

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